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Forum » Feature requests » Better Failed Capture notification

Better Failed Capture notification

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar



It would be great if Dynamicweb provided a better handle on Failed Captures for Credit Cards. Here are the scenarios we come across with:

  1. User has a Recurring Order (subscription) and the Capture Fails on a Recurrence
  2. Order was Authorized, synced to the ERP and then a bulk update from the ERP triggers the Order Capture (through Scheduled Tasks)
  3. Backend user selects multiple orders and clicks on Capture from the ribbon bar
  4. Backend user navigates to an order and clicks on Capture from the ribbon bar


These scenarios require us to address them individually and differently:

  1. We need to develop some order notification to check for failed captures (of some sort)
  2. The same as 1.
    On the custom scheduled task that has to handle "finding orders ready to be captured and triggering the capture", and then process the issue
  3. Backend user have to manually look for the status of the capture and do something with it
  4. Backend user have to manually look for the status of the capture and do something with it


In scenarios 1 and 2, the solution is usually:

  • Change order state
  • Send email to notify customer (and store owner?) - could be sent triggered from Order State


In scenarios 3 and 4, the solution is usually:

  • The backend user has to remind himself to manually validate the status
  • Take manual action to either
    • Change order state
    • Send email to notify customer
    • Do nothing through DW


I know that actually "fixing" the issue is a different matter, so I am trying to only focus on improving it slightly for now.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguia
