I've been testing the functionality of the 'Send 404 with alternative image' checkbox, to try and make it possible to report on missing images.
The objective is to be able to run an automatic tool to find all broken images in a website
This is needed for sites that have a large number of image files, whether they are product images, blog, events or content images.
Having thousands of images makes it impossible to keep track of all the images and therefore we need a way of reporting when the images are missing/have broken links. However, we don't want the site to show a broken image, we want to display the alternative image but still be able to be a 404 to build a report.
I ran some tests for the current functionality of the 'Send 404 with alternative image', passing the altFmImage_path parameter with the placeholder image and these are the results:
Basically, if we check 'Send 404 header with alternative image', we get the 404, but we do not get the alternative image. Considering the name is 404 header with alternative image, I believe the expected behaviour would be to get both.
The desired result would be to return alt image always but get 404 status to be aware that an image is missing/wrong.
Furthermore, to be able to do different reports on whether there's no image or if the path is wrong, we could also add an option to check for wrong images or wrong or empty images.
The proposal would be to have a radio button list instead of a checkbox, with the options: Nothing selected, Image path is wrong and Image path is wrong or empty.
Thank you