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Email Marketing - Statistics

Nancy Morano Dynamicweb Employee
Nancy Morano


We are looking to better understand the different Statistics that are generated as part of a Marketing Email campaign.  We have reviewed the DW documentation, but cannot find more specific information on what these different statistics mean/are measuring.

Here is a recent example from a customer:

Can you please provide us with the specific formula as to how these statistics are created?  We are most interested in what the Click rate % means.

Thank you,

Nancy Morano

Platform Specialist, DWNA


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Nancy

Opening rate = (Unique opened / Sent) = (210/526)*100 = 39.92. Unique opened that if you open the mail 2 times, you only count as one (Total vs Unique open).

Click rate = (Number of user clicking at least one link / Total unique opened) = (78/210)*100 = 37,14. If a user clicks 2 different links, the user counts as 1 clicking user.

Total clicks = Number of unique links clicked. Meaning if a user clicks 2 different links, but one of the 2 times, this will be counted as 2.

If a user clicks a link, they are also marked as opened.

You could also say that the click rate is 136 links were clicked out of 526 sent emails, giving tou 136/526*100 = 25.86%


Votes for this answer: 2
Nancy Morano Dynamicweb Employee
Nancy Morano

Thank you very much for this helpful response Nicolai.  We will share this detailed information with our customer.


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