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Paragraph issue copy master changes language version

John Broers

We are having some issues with the "Copy master changes to language versions if values are the same. (Paragraphs)" setting on a website. The website has one master website with multiple language layers. We translated all the paragraphs on the language layers, but when we make changes to a paragraph on the master website that value is overriding the translated value of that paragraph in all language layers. 

The option "Copy master changes to language versions if values are the same. (Paragraphs)" is enabled. The description of this option sais that this shouldn't happen because the values are different. I tried disabling the option and then it's working fine. But we would still like to have this option enabled. I attached a screenshot of the paragraph and Item Type where it happens. It looks like this is only happening to the Paragraphs option.

Our DW version is 9.8.9. 

Screenshot_2020-12-11_171055.png Screenshot_2020-12-11_171202.png


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov

Hi John,

Per the images attached, your 'Paragraph' is based on field type of Item Relaton List (probably, with item source 'Inline'). Language management for the field type has been implemented on version DW9.9.0 and up (TFS 75204) only. So, you have to upgrade your admin to use the feature properly. Thanks.

BR, Oleg QA

John Broers

Thank you for your reply Oleg, we will try upgrading our system.


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