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Deployment Tool - Content (using Visual Editor)

Nancy Morano Dynamicweb Employee
Nancy Morano


We have recently discovered an issue using the Deployment Tool to push content from one environment to another (in version 9.9.5).  Looks like the deployment tool is not considering the new Visual Editor rows and columns.  The content is being brough over as "not in template".  Can that please be fixed?  (In the meantime, we know we can go in and create a new row and then link to the "not in template" content to have it display.)

Thank you very much,

Nancy Morano


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Deployment of rows is part of 9.9 release:

You might need to update your deployment groups to include the grid - see below.

<DataGroup Id="Content" Name="Content" ParentId="" Icon="Desktop">
    <DataItemType Id="ItemTypes" Name="Item types" ProviderTypeName="Dynamicweb.Deployment.DataItemProviders.Files.FilesDataItemProvider">
        <Parameter Name="RecursiveSearch" Value="false" />
        <Parameter Name="TargetPath" Value="/Files/System/Items" />
    <DataItemType Id="Area" Name="Areas" ProviderTypeName="Dynamicweb.Deployment.DataItemProviders.Content.AreaDataItemProvider">
    <DataItemType Id="Page" Name="Pages" ProviderTypeName="Dynamicweb.Deployment.DataItemProviders.Content.PageDataItemProvider">
    <DataItemType Id="Paragraph" Name="Paragraphs" ProviderTypeName="Dynamicweb.Deployment.DataItemProviders.Content.ParagraphDataItemProvider">
    <DataItemType Id="Rows" Name="Rows" ProviderTypeName="Dynamicweb.Deployment.DataItemProviders.Content.GridRowDataItemProvider">

Also up-to-date deployment configurations can be found here:

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Nancy Morano Dynamicweb Employee
Nancy Morano


Thank you for your response.  We have updated the Deployment Group and have confirmed that it is now working.

Thanks again,

Nancy Morano


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