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hide on tablet

Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya

Hi guys,

Our client contacted us that he had set the hide on mobile and hide on tablet checkboxes to true on a paragraph, but the paragraph was still visible on his iPad.

I opened their site and in my browser dom explorer dev tools I emulated an iPad view.
The paragraph was not there.
It behaved adaptive, not responsive.
So I thought thát was the issue, which actually isn't an issue at all ....

But it wasn't.

On the physical iPad the paragraph was still there.

I started testing on and was able to reproduce the issue.

I started testing on the newest iPad (iPad Pro 12.9 202) in its native safari browser and the paragraph was still visible.
Then I tested this same iPad using the chrome browser, there it behaves correct. The paragraph is gone.

I tested down and it seems the issue starts from iOS13 up in the native Safari browser. 
So I suspected an Apple operating system issue ...

Then I tested an iPhone 8 with iOS13 ... and strangly there is NO problem there ... wtf ...

Is this a known issue?

I'd rather not make custom adjustments to this DW feature .... that would potentially make things worse I guess ...







Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Peter,


I am assuing it's an iPad with iOS13, in which case it's a known issue whre they are essentially emulating a desktop by default. It can be configured to look like a tablet again, but it's not the default behavior now.


Obviously that's an issue, but begs the question if you should do anything about it, since it's the device's "choice" to emulate a desktop (much like when you emulate a mobile device from your desktop).


The way we had to solve it was to detect iPads through the user agent AND navigator.maxTouchPoints == 5 (more info below) and refresh the page with the parameters "devicedetect=true&devicetype=Tablet", which "forces" DW to act like a tablet.

We needed to do this because we were using YouTube chat that does not work with handheld devices, so we had to accept the workaround, but it's not a nice one.


I would expect Apple to retract from that at some point, but I found no evidence of it so far.


Here's some more info on the subject


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya

Thanks for your response Nuno.
I was thinking the same, as in respecting the device's choise to emulate a desktop.
It's just hard to explane to the customer that his 'tablet' option doesn't respond to all ...

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Peter,


We had the exact same struggle :(


We did provide a number of articles online proving it AND our customer is somewhat technical, so we got away "easy". Good luck with yours.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


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