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Forum » CMS - Standard features » How to translate the UserManagement:User.NewPassword.Input.Error

How to translate the UserManagement:User.NewPassword.Input.Error

Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya

Hi guys,

I've got a change password module.

You know ... enter your old password, enter new password, repeat new password.

In the extranet module you can translate a number of input errors.

Now my Dutch change password module responds like this:


The yellow part is what I entered as translation for the your password is too simple input error.
The part between brackets gets added to the UserManagement:User.NewPassword.Input.Error output, but I can't find this anywhere to be translated.

Where can I translate?




Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Peter

I believe the strings can be found on the paragraph settings:

BR Nicolai

Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya

No, the yellow part in my print comes from there ....
The part behind, about the complexity, comes from thin air ...



Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya

* bump * 

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Peter

I see the problem - I have no easy solution. You can change the template to be @Translate(GetString("UserManagement:User.NewPassword.Input.Error")) and then translate the mixed string...

I have created a task to look into some sort of solution to the issue. 

BR Nicolai


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