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How to remove IP ban

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

I've managed to lock myself out of DW - both admin and front-end, an IP ban due to too many submissions of a form (tryingn to change the template etc).

I deleted the records in the  GeneralLog  table where my IP was listed (there were two), cleared my browser cache, but still I am banned.

How can I solve this?


Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu
You need to look for a file in Files folder
Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

Thanks (and kudos for you reply at this hour!). In my how-to, I've noted down the log files.

However, I removed the listing of my IP in the 2020.30.10.log file and uploaded it again (downloaded it again to double check that my IP was gone. It was). I checked the database to see if my IP was back in the generalLog table (it wasn't). I cleared the cache, but still I get 403 forbidden. I see that some forum threads mentions a banned_ip.txt, but I don't know if this is a file still in use and if it is, is it possible to reach it without ftp access?

Shiwanka Chathuranga Dynamicweb Employee
Shiwanka Chathuranga

IP ban can be happen in 2 ways,

* first is from IIS, 

check this settings on iis

* From DW

check the IP inside of the _BannedIps.txt file, it is inside of system folder

This Enabled when you have uncheck this text box


Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

It was a combination of all of these:

1) delete entries with my IP in generallog table 

2) delete entries with my IP in System->Log->ipbanner

3) delete entries with my IP in System-> _bannedIps.txt


Not sure if I had to do all three, but the last one did the trick, so if it happens again, I would start here. Did not have to do anything in IIS.

Thanks for all your help.

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Siv, Adrian and Shiwanka,


Although it would not solve for everything, what do you guys think of posting a feature request so we can see in the backend if a user is Blocked from Logging in ( and until when?


And would there any other place/feature useful to help with this? And/or common struggles you experience?


Nuno Aguiar

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

Since you mention it, I would like an easy accessible log where I could see all banned ips and where I easily could remove the ban if neccessary.
My clients are in no position of doing what I just did to un-ban myself. 

On the other hand, a regular user would probably not submit the same form 16 times (which I did), and during my 2 years of working with DW, this is the first time I managed to lock myself out. Perhaps the cheapest solution (for you) could be to create an article on the doc-site with a step-by-step solution to remove a ban is described.

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nuno,

While I find your suggestion pretty useful for the admin, I agree with Siv that this type of incident is not happening very often. And having them exposed in the backend would be useless if the Admin locked himself out. It is very unlikely that our customers would take these steps to solve it even if they would know how to do it.

Good documentation would be useful and probably faster to implement. DW can take the thorough reply from Shiwanka and turn it into a step by step guide and this would be the end of it.

I believe DW has a lot more interesting/needed features on the pipeline that are more critical than this one. It would be nice to have it, agree, but if I were to prioritize, documenting it would be my first choice.

Thank you,

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Siv,


I am not a developer at Dynamicweb in Denmark, so it's as expensive for me as it is for you laugh But I see your point, as Adrian's. So the feature request should just be to have an article on how to handle with these situations for the developer's sake. My suggestion is that you, or Adrian can post it in the proper thread so someone at DK can acknoledge it and create the article when they can


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Shiwanka Chathuranga Dynamicweb Employee
Shiwanka Chathuranga

Hi Siv


i dnt have any idea about Point 1 and 2 and i didnt use it at any occation.

point 3  is for sure the cause 

Shiwanka Chathuranga Dynamicweb Employee
Shiwanka Chathuranga

Hi Nuno

seems your in wrong link, check this


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi All

  • You can just delete _bannedips.txt from the filesystem - or remove the record that causes the issue.
  • From monitoring (on cloud) or from event viewer (Settings->System->Event viewer you can also see an event of who gets banned and why.
  • Too many form posts should not get you banned - but you cannot submit the form anymore.

BR Nicolai


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