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Change template of email or grab content from app

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

Not sure if this is a question that should have been in the Rapido section or in DW 9.

I've setup a form (newsletter, not in the footer) where I want to change the email template that is sent out. I have found the template folder, and know that i can duplicate the existing ones and change to my likings. Whiat I don't know is how to get the content from the app-settings into my email form.

Suggestions for documentation pages I can read or a solution?


Best wishes


Nicolai Pedersen

You need to use the right template tag in your receipt template:

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

Thanks, but this is not user submitted data, but in the settings in the app. 

I want the text from my screenshot to be in the email (both for the email that is submitted to the organisation and the receipt sent to the user). they both have a text field in the app, but I cannot figure out how to get these into the template.

the default template (when I select automatic instead of the templates in the dropdown) uses this text, but I cannot find that file either :/


Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

This is the template I'm looking for (or really just to see how you extract the text from the app). the email body is getting its text from the app. The same text, I need to know how to retrieve to put it in my email receipt template.

from this source

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Siv.

You can see the tags and what they are in the link I gave you - see an overview here:

Please find attached the templates that runs the "automatic" version of the templates.

I hope this answers your question.

BR Nicolai


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