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Explaination on Export data in Email Marketing

Nay Chi Phyo Dynamicweb Employee
Nay Chi Phyo

Hi everyone,

Good Day!

There are "export" function on emial marketing. Yes, I want to check is regarding exported data there.

  1. There are the data when we exported in email. But I am not sure the Order data become 133.4. So, can someone help me to share the Order meaning?  



     2. And when I export for some data (eg, Recipent Responses), I got error. Could someone advice on the error also?

Thanks and Regards,



Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


The number is total price of order(s) submitted by specific recipient after clicking in email received. I was not able to catch the exception regarding 'Recipient Responces', appropriate file is downloaded and has valid data (attachment), it was tested at test environment based on DW9.9.2 admin.

BR, Oleg QA     




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