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IsProcessingCheckout not set to false

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Dear Dynamicweb,


We have issues with the shipping calculation when the user is navigating away from the payment window with the back button in the browser, because when changing the shipping method this is not reflected on the order price.

It seems like this property, IsProcessingCheckout, on the order should be set to false for making recalcution of the order possible again.


Best regards, Anders


Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger

Hi Anders,

I think I understand what you mean, but just to be sure, let me recap. You need a user to be able to navigate "Back" in the browser and change the order, but this is currently not possible because changes are not applied due to IsProcessingCheckout. I'll assume this is the case, otherwise please correct me.

It's a tricky one. IsProcessingCheckout is doing exactly what it's meant to do: prevent the order from being manipulated either intentionally in bad faith or unintentionally. We want to prevent a user from sending an order to checkout, then going back and adding more orderlines and then processing the cheaper order. Or in the unintentional case where a user doesn't want to pay a certain amount and has the order open in a different tab, then removes some orderlines and processes the order. This would all result in unwanted situations and additional load on the customer service department.

However, I do see the need to be able to change the order intentionally and in good faith, so let me propose a solution. We change the flow so that if the order changes a value that is related to price, then order is downgraded to a cart. This makes it editable and calculations resume as with a normal cart. The user is then able to add or remove orderlines, change shipping or payment, add vouchers, anything basically. Due to the downgrade, the order would get a new ID so the previous checkout flow will not be able to complete because of ID mismatch. This prevents situations where the user acts in bad faith or unintentionally, and allows the user, intentionally and in good faith, to edit the order.

Would this be acceptable to you?

- Jeppe

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Dear Jeppe,


Yes, that is exactly what I mean, and it will be a great solution to solve this behaviour.

Thank you! :-)


Best regards, Anders

Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger

Hi Anders,

There is a new Dynamicweb.Ecommerce package (1.9.21) ready on NuGet with this change. Once you install the package, the users can navigate back from the checkout and change something. If the change in one of the following, the order is downgraded and checkout will need to be started again.

  • Add orderline
  • Remove orderline
  • Change quantity on orderline
  • Change payment country
  • Change delivery country
  • Change payment
  • Change shipping
  • Change voucher

The check that triggers a downgrade does not look at custom fields. This means that discounts based on custom fields still won't work unless something else triggers the downgrade. This is just something to be aware of.

Please let me know if this doesn't make sense or if something is unclear.

- Jeppe 

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Jeppe,


Since the Region/State for both payment and shipping can also affect the shipping and payment methods, that would be worth considering.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Nuno,

You're right, and there are probably others that we haven't considered. We're going to discuss internally which fields should be included. If you have other suggestions, please let us know.

For now, the feature is a little bit limited in that regard, but we can fairly easily extend it.

- Jeppe

Votes for this answer: 1
Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Sounds perfect Jeppe, thanks.

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Great to hear! Thank you, Jeppe :-)


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