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Monitoring Health - extend

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar



We loved the new "Health" node in Monitoring available in DW 9.9! 


Is there a way for us to add custom validations to it?


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


Vladimir Shushunov Dynamicweb Employee
Vladimir Shushunov
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Nuno,

You can write your own Health provider - an inheritor of HealthProviderBase class

A simple example:

    [AddInName("My custom health provider")]
    [AddInUseParameterGrouping(true), AddInUseParameterOrdering(true)]
    public class HealthProviderExample : HealthProviderBase
        private readonly Dictionary<int, Check> CheckList = new Dictionary<int, Check> {
            { 1, new Check() { Id=1, Description = "Antispam creates hidden input fields which are filled by bots (but not users)", Name = "Antispam: Forms for Editors", CheckWhatWasRun = "/Globalsettings/System/Security/FormAntiSpam" } }

        private static readonly Dictionary<int, Action<Check>> ChekActions = new Dictionary<int, Action<Check>> {
            { 1, (check) => ExecuteCheck(check, true, CheckState.Error)},

        public override IEnumerable<Check> GetCheckList()
            return CheckList.Values;

        public override Check RunCheck(int checkId)
            Check check = CheckList[checkId];

            return check;

        private static void ExecuteCheck(Check check, bool recommendedValue, CheckState severityState)
            var actualValue = SystemConfiguration.Instance.GetBoolean(check.CheckWhatWasRun);
            if (recommendedValue == actualValue)
                check.State = CheckState.Ok;
                check.State = severityState;
            check.CheckWhatWasRun += $"{Environment.NewLine}Recommended value: {recommendedValue}";
            check.CheckWhatWasRun += $"{Environment.NewLine}Actual value: {actualValue}";

Best regards, Vladimir


Votes for this answer: 1
Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Vladimir,


Thank you. This will come in handy for sure.


Nuno Aguiar


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