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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Group.Subgroups does not use LanguageId from Group

Group.Subgroups does not use LanguageId from Group

Hans Kloppenborg


We make some custom navigation in code which works with 2 levels of product groups, first we show the parentgroups, and after clicking one of them we show the child groups of the chosen group. This is working fine, until we check this in a second language. While debugging we see that our Group with LanguageId "LANG2" has the correct number of subgroups, but all the subgroups have languageid "LANG1" and the lang1 groupname. 

We saw that in 9.8.11 there was a fix for our other problem, the friendly urls where the groupname was not translated. Does that bugfix fix the above issue also? And if so, what is the release date for 9.8.11?

Greets Hans


Peter Leleulya
Peter Leleulya

If you SET the Ecommerce.Common.Context.LanguageId to the required LanguageId before accessing the subgroups they will be in the correct LANG (workaround)

Nicolai Pedersen

You should call GetSubgroups(languageid) instead of using the Subgroups property.


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