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Disable auto generation of rapido related development questions - when not using rapido:)

Jan Sangill


These files are being written in the
- "Design  folder" as an example.
- "Template folder": Less_68.config.

I know the workaround for the first - but would it be possible to have both files not being written at all?

The files themselves dont do anything for me and therefore would be lovely to not have them.



Vladimir Shushunov Dynamicweb Employee
Vladimir Shushunov

Hi Jan,

try to find less config files:

  • Files/Templates/Less_{areaID}.config 

It should exist for each area.

Edit it - make DesignName  parameter empty

Best regards,

Jan Sangill

Hi Vladimir. That trick I know. But how to not make these files at all - also the Less_AREAID.cong. Is that possible?

Vladimir Shushunov Dynamicweb Employee
Vladimir Shushunov

hmm... I'm  not sure 100%,

but if  delete  Dynamicweb.LessCompiler.dll from bin folder...


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