We are trying to create a productlist page using the ProductListViewModel for our product catalog with master products who can have a lot of variants (for example a type of screw with lots of length and diameter variants), and where the variants have category fields with their properties.
We want to show and page for a fixed amount of master products, with 5 variants visible and a toggle to show all, and be able to filter them with facets on the variant properties. As far as we can see we need to output the variants in our product query if we want to filter them using facets, but if we output the variants the paging becomes very weird. For example, say we set the pagesize on 50, the first page for some products would only contain one masterproduct if it has 50 variants, and if it has more as 50 some variants would only show on the next page.
We where thinking of making a custom paging ourselves, but that would mean that we would need to set the pagesize on 10000 or something, and every call to the productlist page would become propably very slow.
As far as we could see the notifications happen after the query has selected its top x of results, so there is no possibility to extend the query to search the variants but only output the master products.
Is there any way how we could influence the query that gets executed by the ProductListViewModel? (We could really use that since we also need to filter what products are shown depending on the customer, although we might be able to use assortments for that, if that works in combination with productlists/paging)
If anyone has experience with the display of master/variant combinations and paging please let us know how to solve this.
Greets Hans