Hi guys,
I have a solution running DW 9.7.4 and I have been trying without success to output a feed with products.
First, I have tried using the EcomProvider to export a CSV Product feed containing product data (including images). I have selected ProductDefaultImage (because the old fields are already deprecated) but the field did not output anything although the products have images (stored in EcomDetails) and each product has an image set as Default.
Seeing that this did not work, I have decided to export it as an Excel file with EcomProducts and EcomDetails as separate sheets. The data is there for images but in order to make them usable, I need to add the HostName to each File path. I tried using the Prepend option in order to add the host name but I was again not successful.
Can anybody let me know if I am doing anything wrong? Isn't this how it is supposed to be working?
Thank you,