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Ecommerce data health?

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Dear Dynamicweb,


Has this feature: "Ecommerce data health" been released yet? I see it in the roadmap here:


Best regards,



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Anders

No - it did not make it. But it is being developed as we speak.

Attached find a zip with some SQLs that is part of the health checks. They are designed to find data that is not as expected (errors) and things like missing translations (warnings).

If you have other good ideas for checks, we will be glad to receive them!

BR Nicolai

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Dear Nicolai,


Yesterday we used this query to find groups without a parent in the same language which messed up the group navigation:


FROM EcomGroups AS G1
LEFT JOIN EcomGroupRelations ON EcomGroupRelations.GroupRelationsGroupId = G1.GroupId
LEFT JOIN EcomShopGroupRelation ON EcomShopGroupRelation.ShopGroupGroupId = G1.GroupId
LEFT JOIN EcomShops ON EcomShopGroupRelation.ShopGroupShopId = EcomShops.ShopId
LEFT JOIN EcomGroups AS Parent ON Parent.GroupId = EcomGroupRelations.GroupRelationsParentId AND Parent.GroupLanguageId = G1.GroupLanguageId
    EcomGroupRelations.GroupRelationsAutoId IS NOT NULL
    Parent.GroupAutoId IS NULL
Nicolai Pedersen

Great, thanks!

Will get it added.


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