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SEA meta description

Mikkel Ulstrup



We have a client, who is working on their SEO. They found this article.


They are asking which "Description" is filled out in the meta:description, if they do not fill it out them selves. At the moment they see no meta:description unless they fill out the "Meta Description" on the page properties.

Can you elaborate?

Hvis du slet ikke udfylder meta informationen, så vil Dynamicweb typisk blot bruge sidens titel som title tag, og sidens beskrivelse som meta description. Men dette er oftest ikke optimalt, da titlen i mange tilfælde vil være alt for kort, og at beskrivelsen vil være alt for lang. Derudover er det en stor fordel at teksterne er skrevet med henblik på at lokke brugerne ind på din hjemmeside, da det i sidste ende vil øge antallet af besøgende fra Google.


Kind regards

Mikkel Ulstrup


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Mikkel

I think it is just the wording in the article that is confusing. The title of the page is taken from meta title if filled out, otherwise it is the name of the page. Description is just description - there is only one. In the old days, the individual page would take the description and keywords specified on the area properties. But that does not exist anymore (since DW9).

Some versions also do not have Meta Keywords field on page properties since keywords are deprecated - but we had to add them back since many still believe they have affect...

BR Nicolai


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