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Import of Products to Shop1 changes things on Shop2

Keerthy Sethupathy


We have a customer who has a Dynamicweb solution with 2 shops. They have an integration job that imports to the tables EcomProducts, EcomGroups, EcomGroupProductRelation, EcomGroupRelations and EcomShopGroupRelation. The integration job is binded to shop1, via destination settings. 

When this job runs, it removes the grouprelations on shop2. So if the customer has attached some products to a group on shop2 they get removed from the group when the job is runned. 


Any ideas on how to solve this?




Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Keerthy,
could you give more details about your job: what is the source and destination providers? Ecom or Dynamicweb? What destination provider options have you checked? Maybe smth like  remove missing rows, etc? Could you attach your job xml file (that will answer my previous questions)?
Regards, Dmitrij

Keerthy Sethupathy

Hi Dmitriy, 


Source is XML provider

Destination is Dynamicweb Provider, with Deactivate missing products, Remove missing rows after import and Discard duplicate key rows checked. 


 I have attached the job file. 

Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Keerthy,
that is related to the option called Remove missing rows after import. Could you consider of import to all tables with this option ON and on the EcomGroupProductRelations set this option to OFF so it will not remove the other product group relations?
If that solution works for you then you need to uncheck the Remove missing rows after import in the job Destination settings dialog and check this option in the table mappings options for all tables except EcomGroupProductRelations like shown below:

Regards, Dmitrij

Votes for this answer: 1
Keerthy Sethupathy

Hi Dmitrij, 

Yes! this works. 


Thank you very much!

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Hi Dmitrij,


I came across this post as I have the same issue and I am wondering how to get data cleaned up from a table like EcomGroupRelations when having multiple shops in the same solution?


Best regards, Anders

Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Anders,
that is not implemented and Dynamicweb/Eom providers are not so clever to follow that kind of functionality. But you can use the extensibility points
and implement that by yourself:
in the custom table script ProcessInputRow you can cache the groups you are importing
and in the JobFinished observer you can check the cached groups and delete the missed groups from the relevant shop using sql's or Ecom api.
Kind regards, Dmitrij

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Dear Dmitrij,


Thanks for quick response here. Will it be a feature that you would consider to implement as we see this adjustment to many of our solutions?


Best regards, Anders


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