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Update order information from ERP

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I have a situation where I would need to update the orders in DW based on the latest changes made in NAV. This means not just Tracking status but also Orderlines (New, Updated, Deleted), discount lines and potentially Shipping or Payment methods.

I see that the documentation mentions something about Importing Orders from NAV but it is not clear for me if it supports my situation explained above.

Thank you,



Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Adrian,

the import of orders from NAV is not implemented. You can only export orders to NAV by using Live integration or batch integration using scheduled task to export not exported orders.
You can try to implement of getting orders from NAV on youw own, it should be very similar to getting orders for Customer center user.
But you will need to solve the sync problem between the DW and NAV to handle what orders were already exported to DW (probably a custom table in NAV to store the exported orders, ect)

Regards, Dmitrij

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Dmitrij,

Thank you for your answer and clarification.

I was aware the Import of orders is not implemented but a customer of mine pointed me towards the documentation after I have quoted the Import Order functionality as Custom.

Maybe you need to add some clarification on the documentation site about this feature (

Because it is presented as "Import Order" when in fact is a "Live call" to retrieve order history from NAV. It is misleading for the customers and it can affect their trust in our estimations.

Thank you,



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