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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Extranet User Management caching user when server side validation is used via UserValidated Notification Subscriber

Extranet User Management caching user when server side validation is used via UserValidated Notification Subscriber

Steve Knutson


We are using a NotificationSubscriber in order to provide some server side validation of the User when updating their User Profile via the UserValidated ntofification. We have noted however that the invalid fields are being cached (but not persisted to the database) even though validation fails. If the user navigates away from their profile and back again the invalid values remain.

We have a work around where we clear the cache from our NotificationSubscriber via   User.SetCurrentUser(PagePermissionLevels.Frontend, null);

This isn't a big deal but thought it worth raising in case others are having this issue.






Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Steve

Thanks for the heads up and glad you found a workaround. I am not sure we will change this as the values are needed on the previous step. But I see the issue though.

Thanks for sharing! 



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