Posted on 23/09/2019 15:13:22
Hi Nicolai,
As usual, my requests seem reasonable but nobody seems to need them apart from our customers :)
I am not sure about the implications to handle it through the "Points" currency. Does seem like a potential solution but not an elegant one, to be honest.
Any way we can get rid of the current approach of having PointPrices?
I am thinking specifically about having a discount instead and let the user decide how many points will be spent on the order, which means we will always have a 1point=1currency unit relationship.
From what I have seen briefly, the new Discounts are not based on providers but rather on Extension of some existing providers. A bit limiting if you ask me.
And I also noticed that the LiveDiscount is handled through the old discounts module using a specific provider. Does this mean that you will keep the old discounts module alive for a while? I mean, can I safely develop a DiscountProvider for the LoyaltyPoints without being afraid that it's not gonna be supported in a few months?
Thank you,