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Forum » Feature requests » Auto save or Save draft before kicked out

Auto save or Save draft before kicked out

Thomas Jensen


If you edite page or product content, for a long time, (2 hours +) then you risk beeing kicked out when you click "save"/"save and close", and you then loose you edited data
of course editing for that long, and not save in between, is not smart

A function to auto save as draft every 10-15 min
A function to save as draft befor you get kicked out of the system
A function to warn you before you risk getting kicked out

Regards Thomas


Nicolai Pedersen

Ho Thomas

All great ideas - will take it into consideration.

Usually if the browser window is open, the login will be kept alive using a hidden ping back to the server, so only if the server resets the session for memory issues or a recycle, the user will be logged off.

Also if you use the "remember me" feature on the login screen, the login will execute before save and data will not be lost - can be used as a workaround.

BR Nicolai