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How to access UserManagement:User.ManageAddresses.AddAddress.Javascript

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I am trying to replicate the Manage Addresses functionality and I have noticed some tags that are used for javascript interaction when working with addresses:





I could not find a proper description of them and I am not sure if they can/should be set up on a solution or are rendered automatically. Are these tags used only in Rapido? Can they be accessed via API?

Thank you,



Vladimir Shushunov Dynamicweb Employee
Vladimir Shushunov

Hi Adrian,

These tags are rendered automatically, not only for Rapido.

Note that they work together with tags:

  • UserManagement:User.ManageAddresses.FormStart
  • UserManagement:User.ManageAddresses.FormEnd

An example you could find in:

  • \Admin\Update\Files\Templates\UserManagement\Addresses\Manage_addresses.html


  • \Files\Templates\UserManagement\Addresses\Manage_addresses.html

Best regards,

Ivan Marijanović
Ivan Marijanović

Hi Vladimir

We are havng issue with this command since it allways renders action link with http protocol and we have our solution on https so it does not work and t gives us warning  that it is unsecure page.

When we try to mark page for "Force SSL" then page stops working totaly.

We are on DW 9.8.9.




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