Would be a very useful feature, if it was possible to have our own icons for itemtypes. This would make it easier for us to have graphics/icons that indicate what the item type does, and distinguish the difference between items.
Also, when an editor is in a page paragraph view in backend, it would be useful if it was possible to hover over the icon for the itembased paragraphs to get more info about what this specific item is, just like it is in filemanager - where you can hover over an image to get popup larger version of the image. The info in the hover "popup" could be Item title, description and custom image.
We typically have 6-7 different itembased "modules" that it is possible to create on a page, and it can be difficult for the editor to distinguish between the different itemtypes, and what they do.
We believe the features above could be really helpful for the editor, and we hope you all agree ;)