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Export / import on translation tags

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks


Is it possible to make an export and import on the translation tags?
We have a third party that makes translations for us and we rather do not like to have them in the CMS to do this.

We prefer sending them an CSV or Excel file they can fill in. Is that possible?

Best regards



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Gerard

The translations are located in a XML file that can be handed over to a translation agency - they can usually translate from that file.

Please refer to documentation here:

BR Nicolai

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks

Hi Nicolai,

I (already) read your documentation, but translation offices do not like to work in files like XML.
The prefer an Excel or CSV in which they just can fill in columns.

Is it hard to make it? 

BR Gerard

Nicolai Pedersen

Nope, just takes time.

BR Nicolai


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