I have created a data integration job based on the ErpUserImport.xml template, as well as a batch job where I set this xml import setting: <GetEcomData ReimportTable="true" SetCheckpointToNow="false" CustomModifier="Test"><tables><Customers type="all" /></tables></GetEcomData>, alongside with the service url, and credentials.
When I call the method from the test tool it returns a long list of users, and it looks like the fields that are being returned match 100% with the field names in Dynamicweb (AccessUser). Not all the fields are present in the response, but all the essential fields are there (UserID, UserName, and so on).
However, whenenver I run the job directly from DW (http://testhjj.hjj.dk/Admin/Default) it just runs, checks the configuration, and does not find any active mappings.
What am I doing wrong here, and how can I fix it ?