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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Navigation in drop-down menu with broad structure

Navigation in drop-down menu with broad structure

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

1) If I have a menu with many levels and each level has a deep structure, it is not possible to navigate in the menu. See screen recording,

2) When the dropdown opens, there is no reason why it shouldn't behave like it does on mobile (the structure is located at the top, not where the initial menu item is located). This could solve 1.

Kind regards.



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Siv

Thank you for your request.

I think this version of the dropdown works as expected - it is great for navigation structures that are not too deep and long.

For navigation structures with many items and more depth, Rapido has other options that are more suitable. For your scenario I would recommend the Mega dropdown that is better for this kind of navigation complexity.

See the configuration here:

BR Nicolai


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