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Forum » CMS - Standard features » In need for an easy way of adding a H1 to a page

In need for an easy way of adding a H1 to a page

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

In my current project, the site editors must have the ability to add a h1 heading to a page without having to use the wysiwyg editor (aka marking and choosing style). Does DW have this scheduled for an upcomming release? A h1 heading on a page is essential to SEO. 

Best wishes.


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Siv

You already can make it.

Rapido, which is the implementation we deliver on top of Dynamicweb, might not have a seperate field for an H1. But that can field can be added to one or more of the item types in Rapido.

You can learn about Items here:

In order to make this work, this is more or less what you need to do:

  1. Locate the item types that requires a H1 field
  2. Add the H1 field to the item types located in @1. This will make the fields available for editors to use
  3. Locate the templates that renders the item types with the change, and add <h1>{Insert Template Tag}</h1> in the template where you want the header to be rendered.

An alternative is to change the templates to use h1 for "Use in title" instead of h2.

BR Nicolai


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