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Custom field only filled by unknown users

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks


For our Volandis solution we have a form with a field called 'Ik ontvang graag meer informatie over de dienstverlening van Volandis'.
We mapped it to a custom field of a user (see attached pictures). 
Unfortunately the field is only filled when we fill in the form with an un known user (not in database yet).
If we fill it in with a known user (already in database) the field stays empty.

Because we set an automatic mailing (with smart search) on this field, it should always be filled.
Can you please help us with this? Next monday the campaign starts.

Best regards

Form.png Meer_info_relatie_veld.png Setting.png


Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks


Can we get any update on this one, because it's a bit urgent for our customer...

BR. Gerard

Steffen Kruse Hansen Dynamicweb Employee
Steffen Kruse Hansen

Hi Gerard,

If it's urgent, you should contact Dynamicweb Support. They are in a better position to help

Best regards,


Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks

Hi Steffen,

We discussed this with support and received this final anser:

Creating users is possible out of the box with FORM for editors, but there are no easy way or template to edit a current user.
If this approach is essential for the customer, then please ask the question on forum on how to create a template that are able to look into both scenarios.

So as it is important for all of our customers, because we use forms to enrich profiles, we would like to know how we can to this.
Should it be a feature request or can we create it otherwise.

From our point of few it is a bit strange that you can map fields in Forms to the user, but it only works with not existing users...

Best regards

Morten Bengtson Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Bengtson

You can use consents instead of custom user fields. The user recipient provider in Email Marketing is able to filter recipients based on consents.
Another option is to use the Extranet app for this instead of the Forms app. The Extranet app allows you to create and edit profiles, sign up to newsletters etc.

Best regards,

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks

Hi Morten,

Thanks for you reply but this is not about consent, it's about filling in a textfield and map it into a user field. This should be possible weather a contact is new or not.
We use Forms for Editors marketing wise to enrich a profile, not for editing a profile.

For example:
We have you in database with firstname, lastname and e-mailadres. Perhaps we start a campaign in which we trigger users, available on an open website so anyone can fill in the form.
But if you do, and we recognize you because of your E-mail, and you fill in more fields than we already have (perhaps gender, age or a city) we want to add that information to your account.
At this moment this seems not to be possible. Is that correct? If yes, is there another option to do this? Or can we make this feature? This is something we should use for all our customers.

Best regards


Morten Bengtson Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Bengtson

So an anonymous visitor should be able to update selected fields on any existing user profile by entering an email address?
That is not possible. It would have to be implemented as a custom extension.

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks

Good point Morten :-(. We were not that good aware of savety consequensies and will reconsider what how to solve this.

BR. Gerard


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