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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Underscores in metaurl

Underscores in metaurl

Jesse Bakker

Hi Guys,

We have a ecom solution where the urls for products are defined by the MetaUrl field. 
For example "example_product" in the metaurl field would result in the following url: 

This was working fine when the solution was running on 9.3.3, after we have updated to latest version 9.5.5 it doesn't work anymore.

When we open the url it now gives a 404. When we open the product with the raw url: 
This redirects to the following url: 
So the underscores from the metaurl are stripped, even though they are still present on the product

Is there a way to prevent this behaviour?

BR, Jesse




Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Jesse

It has been like that for a while and is caused by the latin normalize that also removes anything that is a UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark. Currently there is no way of avoiding that except not using latin normalize...

BR Nicolai


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