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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Email started sending again after almost 4 months.

Email started sending again after almost 4 months.

Manon Eppink


We have a strange issue with the email marketing module of Dynamicweb. They did send a newsletter on the 8th of august this summer. The mail was send to a large group but not al the recipients got the mail. It says that 15366 of the 15656 got the email. Yesterday the mail started sending again to 1002 recipients, the sending started out of the blue and the page is already deleted so the recipients got a really strange email.

If you look in the backend you see that the sending is started at the 8th of august 16:45, but it says that the email is created at November 26th (yesterday).

Do you have any idea how this is possible?





Nicolai Pedersen

Someone clicked resend email or something like that...

This has changed in recent versions of email marketing (9.5) - that missing some of the recipients does not mark the mail as failed.

BR Nicolai


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