Hi guys,
I have a situation where we have a bunch of ProductCategories with product category fields.
Most categories are grouped under a parent Category that does not have any ProductCategory attached.
Becuase products are attached to multiple groups and some of the ProductCategory fields have the same names, this generates quite a few duplicate facets.
I have tried using a summary field, adding all fields with the same name, then use this resulting field as a facet. I have managed to get the result and obviously in the facet I got the values of those fields, no label for them. I guess that's expected. Now, I tried to transform the Facet from a FieldFacet into a ListFacet in order to control the Labels of those values. After this change, the facet no longer shows in the Facets list. The display method before and after this change was the same: checkbox.
If I add a new Facet of type Field, both Facets are displayed. Is there any condition or limitation in how the facets are rendered? I am using the horizontal view for the facets.
I am using 9.5.5 and Rapido 3.0
Thak you,