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Number of contacts

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks


For our Pentair solution we would like to add users to an assortment (permissions), but if we do we can only search in 3.261 contacts, but we have 4.517 in our database. Do you have an explanation for this?

Best regards

users1.png users2.png


Nicolai Pedersen

The user managment shows all users. The selector only show active users.

BR Nicolai

Nicole Busscher

Hi, thanks for your answer. Unfortunately I still can't find some users which are active. 
See attached some screenshots of users which I can't find while these are active. 

UserKK.png UserKK2.png UserMS.png UserMS2.png User_NB.png User_NB2.png
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Nicole

It seems that users that are marked as admin cannot be selected in this window. So it has to be marked as a normal user - see dump.

Also it is not adviced to add specific users to an assortment - it is much better to create a group in user managment, add that to the assortment and add users to that group instead. That would also workaround this limitation.

Sorry about the inconvenience.

BR Nicolai

Nicole Busscher

Hi Nicolai, that makes sense! I will add them to a new group so they can only see this assortment for now. 



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