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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues » AccessUserNewsLetterAllowed set to false by unknown process

AccessUserNewsLetterAllowed set to false by unknown process

Hans Kloppenborg


We seem to have an issue with at least 1 customer on 9.4.18 that the AccessUserNewsLetterAllowed field is being set to zero by some unknown process, and not user activity.

After much research we have found that the following query gets executed at certain times:

(@p1 nvarchar(3),@p0 bit)UPDATE [AccessUser] SET [AccessUserNewsletterAllowed] = @p0 WHERE ( [AccessUser].[AccessUserGroups] LIKE @p1 )

With another customer running on 9.5 we see the query above and the slightly different variant

(@p1 nvarchar(4),@p0 bit)UPDATE [AccessUser] SET [AccessUserNewsletterAllowed] = @p0 WHERE ( [AccessUser].[AccessUserGroups] LIKE @p1 )

The issue seems related to the sending of a mail using the marketing module.

An example:

A mailing was made for a group of 82 users, in the mail configuration it said it would send this to only 42 of them (so for 40 the permission was probably already false, or maybe there was a problem with their email). After sending the mail succesfully to the 42 persons, and zero people unsubscribing, when you open that same mail in marketing center, and check the email settings, only 2 valid receivers are left of the 82. Somehow the permission for 40 users has been disabled.

Can you check to find out if this is a bug, has it to do with the new consent system that is not enabled for our solutions?

Greets Hans



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