Hi Dynamicweb,
We have an issue with lost carts in 9.4 and it seems to be caused by the cart reference saved in cookies.
In the method: SaveCartCookie the value is encrypted:
Dim crypto As New Crypto(SymmProvEnum.Rijndael)
Dim encryptedCookieValue As String = Crypto.Encrypt(cart.Id & "")
CookieManager.SetCookie(cookieName, encryptedCookieValue, DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, expire, Now))
But in LoadCart() the value is fetched without decrypting:
Dim cookieUserKey As String = Common.Context.ConvertKeyToCartContextAwareKey(cookieKey & user.ID)
If request.Cookies(cookieUserKey) IsNot Nothing Then
cart = Ecommerce.Services.Orders.GetOrder(Converter.ToString(request.Cookies(cookieUserKey).Value))
End If
I hope you can have a look on this issue in the 9.4-branch?
Best regards, Anders