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Boosting score on productlist

Thomas Larsen


I need to make a productlist based on a index, and on that productlist I need to access the boosting score.

My priority one, is to access that on a normal productlist templete, is that possible?

Otherwise i’m thinking about using the Query Publisher and make that render the products. I’s I possible to make a template extender for the Query publisher?
I know I can get the Product object directly in the razor template, but I would like to reuse existing product list templates, used other places in the solution.

My last approach would be to create a custom modules that calls the index and handling all the rendering, is that possible?



Morten Bengtson Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Bengtson

You should be able to do that, but I wouldn't recommend it.

I'm curious to know why you need the score? It's just a number used internally by the query provider for sorting the search results.

Anyway, here is some untested VB code (sorry) that you might be able to use as a starting point...

' Get query
Dim queryService As New QueryService()
Dim query = queryService.LoadQuery("RepositoryName", "QueryName")
Dim querySetting As New QuerySettings() ' TODO: Provide settings

' Perform the search
Dim result As IQueryResult = queryService.Query(query, querySetting)

' Read AutoIDs from search result
Dim autoIds As New Dictionary(Of Long, Single)

For Each element In result.QueryResult
    Dim queryElement = DirectCast(element, Dictionary(Of String, Object))
    Dim autoId = DirectCast(queryElement("AutoID"), Long)
    Dim score = DirectCast(queryElement("_score"), Single)
    autoIds.Add(autoId, score)

' Get products by AutoIDs
Dim products = Services.Products.GetProductsByAutoIDs(autoIds.Keys)

For Each product In products
   Dim score As Single = autoIds(product.AutoId)
   ' TODO: Render product and score

Note: This code might break if we decide to change or replace the internal query provider implementation in a future major release.

Best regards,


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