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Forum » Feature requests » Data Integration error notification e-mail setting

Data Integration error notification e-mail setting

Jens Jakob Kristensen
Jens Jakob Kristensen


Often, when we receive the error notification e-mail from a scheduled import job in Data Integration and we check the job log in Data Integration, the import job has finished with success the second time it ran, right after the first job failed. So that is great, but it results in a lot of time wasted on checking perfectly fine data on solutions.

How about adding the option to "Select number of failed jub runs before sending the error notification e-mail"? Just a simple dropdown with predefined numbers that appear when checking "Only on failure".

Or make sure that the e-mail sent "only on failure" is based on the status of the subsequent job runs after a failure. In order to see if the job ends up with a succes. 

Thank you in advance.

