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How can i test if logged in to extranet on paragraph level

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall

On pagelevel (mater.cshtml), i can do this  

@if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetString("DWextranet_AccessUserUserName"))) {

Do something


But I can not do this on paragraph level. There is no value to test, and I don´t know how i eg. could set a variable on Page level that i could test on paragraph level. Unfortunately, don´t know how to use eg. viewBag.


Anybody who could help?




Mario Santos Dynamicweb Employee
Mario Santos
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Hans,

You can use Dynamicweb API, take a look here:

BR, Mario



Votes for this answer: 1
Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall

Thanx for your reply Mario :)


sorry for my little knowledge, but how can i utilize this? I have tried this in my razor template, but that does not give anything other than False for the reason that the boolean I am fetching does not exist.


@using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement



Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall

Solved by this :)

bool isloggedin= @Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User.IsExtranetUserLoggedIn();



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