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Cookie Consent Plans

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I was wondering if you have any plans on extending the cookie constent to support a more detailed segmentation as in these examples:

Thank you,



Morten Bengtson Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Bengtson

Hi Adrian,

There are no firm plans regarding changes to the segmentation of cookies, but I'll look into this and see what we can do about it.

I think you could achieve this to some degree using a service like Cookiebot. You could extend it to call Cookie Manager functionality in Dynamicweb to set the opt-in level (none, functional, all) and handle the rest in Cookiebot (see Programming Cookiebot).

Best regards,



Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Morten,

Thank you for the answer, although it is not what I was expecting, to be honest.

You cannot claim to be an all-in-one solution, Enterprise ready and ask your customers to use a paid third party service for this type of functionality that should be built in.

I agree that I can probably cook something to solve the issue but, again, this is not the expected behavior from a solution like Dynamicweb.

I cannot speak for the other partners, but I was kinda expecting that this will be built in. After all, that;s one of the reasons we ask our customers for as maintenance plan. To get access to new functionalities required by the changes in the online world. And this is one of them.

This example: was built on a Romanian ecommerce solution that is 1/4 of the price of Dynamicweb (license wise) and they gave this Cookie segmentation option built in theiur solution. Not to mention that it was available since January. How can I argue with my clients/prostects that these guys are able to do it but we are not?

I understand the concept or priorities and economically viable development but I don't think this cookie consent is an optional functionality.

But, of course, in the end it is all your decision how to handle it.

Thank you,



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