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Issue groups / smart searches

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks
There is a problem with the connection between (normal) groups and smart searches.
For Pentair ( we made a (normal group) called “Partners – membrane modules and/or systems”, for this group we used the smart search [Dashboard_MM – All partners Membrane Modules and Systems] (see screenshot 2). 
Nevertheless, the (normal) group has 375 users and the smart search has 1961 users. So a lot of users who are in the smart search aren’t in the (normal) group. 
When I try to save the (normal) group an error is shown (screenshot 3).
This is for us an very urgent issue since we need these groups to set the permissions for specific content paragraphs on pages. In screenshot 4 is shown that it is only possible to set permissions based on (normal) groups or contact level (and not on smart search groups). 
Three requests / fixes:
1. Save a normal group which is connected to a smart search group (issue screenshot 3)
2. Automatically refresh the (normal) group when the smart search group is changed (e.g. when a new contact is added to the smart search, the contact should automatically be added in the (normal) group which is connected). 
3. Add the option to use smart searches for permissions in content paragraphs and pages (screenshot 4)

Best regards
screenshot_1.jpg Screenshot_2.jpg Screenshot_3.png Screenshot_4.jpg


Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks


Has someone already been able to take a look at this?

BR. Gerard

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Gerard

We cannot give you those fixes as of now.

The error you see on screen tells you what is wrong. You have users with no username or emails in your smartsearch and that is the cause of the exception. So add that as a criteria to your smart search.

BR Nicolai

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks

Hello Nicolai,

We tested this and made a new smart search where we added the rules 'username and mailaddress may not be empty'. That gives us 1.993 results (see attachement).
If we connect the smart search to the group we don't receive an error (which is good) but after saving the group it has 10 users more than the smart search (see attachement).

And what's also very strange: the group has contacts without E-mailaddress (which we excluded in the smart search).

Can you please have another look at it?

Best regards

Group.jpg Smart_search.jpg
Nicolai Pedersen

It is probably just user from the old version of the query.

Try to create a new group and add your new smartsearch to that.

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks

We tried and it works Nicolai, thanks for your help!


BR. Gerard


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