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Backend permission

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks

In our Pentair solution ( we use permissions.
We have a webinar overview where users, based on permission, can see the webinars we have available for him (

The Permission module works, also if we test it.
But when we (or Pentair) have colleagues with backend permission that take a look at the front-end, they see all webinars in the overview without permissions.
If they click on one of the webinars they should not see, they receive an error page (attached).

Can you please have a look at this and let me know if we can do something about it?
We have lots of Pentair employee that cannot test the permissions in this way are see the wrong content if they log in.

Best regards



Martin Vang
Martin Vang

Hi Gerard,

Can you please change that error message into something english-speakers can understand? Would help alot! :)



Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks

Hello Martin,

The message is in English but you have to read it backwords i think.
This is how we see it, I have no Idea how to change it that way so you can read it better.

Best regards

Martin Vang
Martin Vang

Hi Gerard,

Aaah. I thought it was cyrillic :)

I see that your template is custom and that you dont use null-reference checks. Seeing as the exception is a null-pointer-exception, you might want to look there first.


var currentUser = UserHelper.GetCurrentUser();
var currentUserName = UserHelper.GetUserName(currentUser); <-- This can throw a nullpointer exception if your custom code. It is your own custom code, so you could do something like this instead

var currentUser = UserHelper.GetCurrentUser();
var currentUserName = "";
if(currentUser != null)
   currentUserName = UserHelper.GetUserName(currentUser); 


let me know if this help you solve the issue.




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