Hi Guys,
I would assume I am not the only one having paranoid customers because of GDPR, therefore I think this post might be interesting for others as well, although it will make Nicolai go crazy :)
One of our customers requested that we anonimize sensitive data stored in the database in order to prevent unauthorized access to data. I would agree that this approach will also offload some of our responsibilities but I am also worried about performance.
I have had brief search on what is possible with SQL server and it looks there is something called Dynamic Data Masking. The principle is based on some permissions for users. Unauthorised users will see masked data while authorised ones will see real data. But this will solve it only partially since we store connections strings to database in clear without any encoding. SOmetimes we can use trusted connections sometimes we cannot. There are probably solutions to encrypt the connection string but this is already too evolved for my knowledge.
Any thoughts, ideas or plans for something like this?
Thank you,