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Sequence contains no elements error

Peter Leleulya

Hi guys,

We wanted to update an application hosted in Azure.
We wanted to disable the frontend to be able to do some configuration in the CMS before releasing to the world.
The disable frontend option in the solution settings don't seem to exist anymore and using an index.html with a message wouldn't work on Azure as I'm used to in IIS.
So we decided to disable the area by the are activation toggle.
After updating the environment threw an error because it couldn't find an active area in Admin/Areas/Admin/Manager/Index.cshtml which is weird, because when we disabled the area this error did not appear.
I think this is an error, but how do you guys handle such an update on Azure which includes a DW core update?
We can't seem to find a process which works instantly.
Swapping deployment slots don't work for us because yhen you switch on user data too ... and shared storage blobs won't work ...

Any tips??




Nicolai Pedersen

You can deactivate an area from the list of websites. Or set permissions on them to prompt for a username/password.

Your statement will throw an exception because you set all areas to active=false and hence will get an empty collection back...?

BR Nicolai


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