Hi DW,
We see in DW9 that the task runner is not right according to next executing time, and it is quite a big problem for us as we cannot be sure when a task is executed and we have tasks which is dependent on other tasks.
I think the problem is related to this code block in task.vb:
Private Sub UpdateNextRun()
Dim now As Date = Date.Now
now = now.AddMilliseconds(-now.Millisecond)
now = now.AddSeconds(-now.Second)
now = now.AddMinutes(1)
now = now.AddMinutes(-now.Minute Mod 5)
UpcomingRuntime = now
If UpcomingRuntime > [End] Then
UpcomingRuntime = Consts.MinDate
If UpcomingRuntime < Begin Then
UpcomingRuntime = Begin
End If
'Minute = Number of minutes between each run
If Minute > 0 Then
If StartFromLastRun Then
Dim ts As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromTicks(UpcomingRuntime.Ticks - Begin.Ticks)
UpcomingRuntime = UpcomingRuntime.AddMinutes(Minute - (CType(ts.TotalMinutes, ULong) Mod Minute))
UpcomingRuntime = New Date(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day,
If(now.Hour > 0, now.Hour - 1, 0),
If(Begin.Minute > 0, Begin.Minute, 0), 0)
'Add minutes until we are in the future
Do While UpcomingRuntime < now
UpcomingRuntime = UpcomingRuntime.AddMinutes(Minute)
End If
UpcomingRuntime = Consts.MinDate
End If
End If
End Sub
I really hope that this can be fixed in the next hotfix? Please see this screenshot: https://www.screencast.com/t/k4scM0pktTqn
Best regards, Anders