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Forum category overrules page title

Martin Christensen


if you insert af forum module on a page that shows the threads of a given category, it appears that the name of the category will be used as the title for the page, overruling everything else. How can I prevent this? We have a solution with a community style frontpage and we need several forum categories to be displayed on the main page, but we want a sensible title that has nothing to do with the forum, of course.

Maybe it's simple, I haven't been able to figure it out :)


BR Martin


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Martin

You cannot - not easy anyways. You can of course make a special template for this page, or make a conditional in the template checking on the pageid if it is razor and use Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView.Current.Page.MetaTitle inside the <title> tag instead of @Model.Title or the @GetValue("Meta.Title")

I've created a fix, TFS#49755, that will be out in Dynamicweb.Forum package for 9.4 + 9.3 as soon as the test has finished.

BR Nicolai


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