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Forum » Feature requests » Azure File share support for customer content

Azure File share support for customer content

Hans Kloppenborg


We are hosting our DW solutions in Azure, and we would like to use deployment slots for the deployment of new releases. This is not really possible at the moment because the files that the customer uploads to DW end up in the deployment slot, so switching the slot would remove alle changes done by the customer.

We asked Microsoft Azure support for a solution to this and they pointed to Azure File Services, or Azure Blob storage. Sadly these are not compatible with DW at this moment. Is there a chance you would add support for one of these in the future?

And is there a chance that the globalsettings gets replaced by a database table sometime? It changes every second it seems, requiring checkin or undo actions in source control, and is another issue hindering auto deployment of changes.

Greets Hans




Martin Vang
Martin Vang

Hi Hans

Cant you map a virtual folder to your website? Then you can use the (fairly complex) setup of using virtual mappings to an Azure Files "folder" - it's something completely Azure specific, and giving the many (and changing) subscribtion options, I cannot give a fixed "how-to" answer.

Regarding the globalsettings.conf : I dont believe that we actually want to move this configuration automatically... It should NOT be updated every second, unless you have some code set up to do so (unless you change the configuration of the DW site every second?).





Hans Kloppenborg

Hi Martin,

We looked into the File Share using File Services but read this was not possible with Web Apps ( ).

It seems that a solution for a Web App would have to use the rest api of either the File Services or the Blobs,


Martin Vang
Martin Vang

Hi Hans,

Currently we do not support alternative ways of using Files, by serving them through another storage method.

/Files is a deep dependency in DW, so I dont see this changing is the near future.

You can ofc. create a feature request for this, if you feel we should focus on supporting this.

