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getloop for userindexbuilder

Karina E

I have create a customer Repostiories and wishes to get a json object request by useing a GetLoop(). 

But I can't finde any documentations on what loop has access to userindexbuilder. 

please help


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Karina

If you use the QueryPublisher to publish the repository (see

The tags that are available for the querypublisher, you can find here:

Attached find and example of a json template used for publishing users coming from the index using the querypublisher.

Let me hear if this helps you out.

BR Nicolai

Karina E

Hi Nicolai 

Thanks for the quick answer. 

But I have to ask, there is not a loop for users like there is for products ? 

like this: 

var products = GetLoop("Products"); 

foreah ( var p in produvts )


result.Add(new {

Name = p.GetString("Ecom:Product.Name")




Nicolai Pedersen


That loop is coming from the product catalog module. It understand products.

The users module cannot use index queries to publish data. You can only publish data from the index with users using the query publisher which publishes data stored in the index...

BR Nicolai

Dynamicweb Employee
Carsten Boll

Hi Karina,

Maybe you mean something like this:


@foreach (var resultitem in GetLoop("QueryResultItem")) {




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