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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Front-end output correct JSON

Front-end output correct JSON

Mikkel Casper

We gave a client that has a list of "courses" that are loaded asyncronously.



See first attached image.

The problem is when there is more than one row in the "beskrivelser"-section, the system can't output the correct text, and the description is empty on the website.

We want the description from the first row to be output - how do we do that?

The JSON-feed is output by JsonList.cshtml 

See the remaining attached images.

1._ucn-admin-edit-course.png 2._ucn-front-end-render-json-feed.png 3._ucn-admin-query-publisher-setting.jpg


Nicolai Pedersen

Sounds like an error in the JsonList.cshtml  template or maybe the wrong field in the lucene index. You might want to get hold of the developer wh this template.

It does not look like a bug in DW.

BR Nicolai


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