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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Why is the functionality for selecting email templates different throughout the site?

Why is the functionality for selecting email templates different throughout the site?

Oscar Romin
Oscar Romin


I want to send an email to a newly registered user and I noticed that the input for selecting the template is not a page-selector, but a regular template dropdown. See pic. 

While in the marketing tab, selecting an email body makes you select a page in your site. This is so much better for language and editing reasons. 

I realize that this is not the end of the world but I still want to ask why you did this differently. Is it maybe legacy functionality? Could you please upgrade the selector for extranet modules?






Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Oscar

There are a number of reasons - basically are all email template selectors choosing a template file, except the one in email marketing.

I understand your request and why you have it - but it is not as simple as just changing the selector - there is lot more to it.

BR Nicolai


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